Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Meet Geography

Essay Checklist for Geography


Plate Tectonics
-Compare and contrast the different types of plate boundaries. (9m)
-Discuss how the interactions at these boundaries could impact man. (16m)
-Using diagrams, explain how seafloor spreading occurs. (9m)
-To what extent can the plate tectonic theory be used to account for the global distribution and formation of fold mountains and volcanoes (16m).
-Explain the evidences for plate tectonics. (9m)
-Define the term ‘tectonic plate’. Using diagrams and examples, show how fold mountain building occur at tectonic plate margin. (9m)
-Using diagrams, explain the formation of mid-oceanic ridges and island arcs. (9m)

-Describe the nature of erupted materials and explain how they may be dangerous (Dangers/Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions) (16m)
-Explain why volcanic hazards have more severe effects in some areas over others
-Discuss the roles of hotspots in volcanic activity. (9m)
-Assess the strategies used to mitigate and respond to the effects of volcanic eruptions (16m).
-Describe and account for the differences between the types of volcanoes found at convergent and divergent plates. (9m)

-To what extent is it possible to predict earthquakes and to limit their hazardous effects (16m).
-Distinguish between the Richter scale and the Mercalli scale. (9m)
-Describe the main characteristics of seismic waves and their immediate effects at or near the ground surface (9m)
-With reference to examples, discuss the view that the largest earthquakes are not always the most deadly or damaging (16m).

-Compare and contrasts the characteristics of the three rock types. (And their responses to weathering) (9m)
-Explain the formation of the various rock types (9m).
-Using examples, discuss the extent to which the weathering of a rock is dependent upon climate. (16m)
-Assess the extent to which rock characteristics determine the landforms in granite and limestone areas. (16m) *
-Explain the characteristics of granite and limestone. (9m)
-What is the rock cycle? Show how the rock cycle explain the formation and characteristics of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (9m)
-Account for the relationship between the depth of regolith and climate (9m).
-Explain the differences between chemical and physical weathering (9m).
- How true is that weathering is mainly physical in dry climates and mainly chemical in wet climates? (16m)
-Explain the conditions under which block disintegration, spheroidal weathering and exfoliation may occur (9m).
-Describe the characteristics of a weathering profile and discuss its role in the development of landforms in granite (16m)

Mass Movement
-Discuss the role of man in mass movements. (16m)
-Explain the factors determining the stability of a slope. (9m)
-With reference to examples, assess the strategies used to manage mass movement hazards. (16m)
-Using diagrams, explain the differences between a rock slide, a mud flow, and soil creep. (9m)
-Explain the role of climate in the occurrence of mass movements (9m)


-Using clear diagrams, explain the formation of convectional and relief (orographic) rain (9m).

-Describe and explain what is meant by the term ITCZ and its seasonal movements. (9m)
-Account for the forces influencing air movement (9m).
-Using a well-labelled diagram, describe the formation of trade winds (9m).

-Assess the roles of the main climatic factors that influence the climatic zones of Tropical Asia and Africa. How about the role of the ITCZ? (16m)

Climate Etc
-Describe how urban heat island develop. Explain three ways in which the climate of urban areas differs from surrounding rural areas.
-Describe and explain the term ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’. (9m)
-Explain the causes of present global warming and describe its possible climatic effects. (9m)
-Discuss the possible impact of global warming and explain why it is difficult to resolve (16m).

-Do you agree that man’s activities are the major causes of atmospheric hazards in recent times? (16m)


Hydro flows
-Explain what is meant, in a drainage basin, by the terms drainage density and stream order and bifurcation ratio. (9m)
-Explain the terms ‘width-depth ratio’ and ‘hydraulic radius’. (9m)
-Demonstrate, with the aid of hydrographs, how discharge in a drainage basin can be affected by geology, slopes and vegetation. (9m)
-Outline the factors affecting drainage density (9m)
-Describe how overland flow occurs and explain the differences between HOF and SOF (9m.).
-With the aid of a clear annotated diagram, describe the main features of a storm hydrograph (9m)

Hydro processes
-What factors influence the total amount and nature of sediment load transported by a river? (9m)
-Explain how the climate could influence the flows and storages of a basin. (9m)
-Describe and explain the different processes found in rivers. (9m)
-To what extent do you agree that these processes account for the formation and resultant shapes of river channels? (16m)
-Discuss the relationship between channel pattern and changes in channel efficiency under different conditions (16m)
-Explain the factors that affect channel morphology (9m)
-With the aid of labeled diagrams, describe the formation, characteristics and differences between braided and meandering channels (16m)
-Describe and explain the factors that affect stream competency and capacity (9m)
-Distinguish between the terms dissolved load, suspended load and bed load. (9m)
-Outline the factors affecting river velocity and explain how they influence the river channel’s ability to do work. (9m)
-To what extent are climate and vegetation the principal factors influencing the hydrological processes in a drainage basin (16m).
-“Climate is the only influence on the operation of the hydrologic cycle in a drainage basin”. Discuss the validity of this statement (16m).
-Explain the terms headward erosion, lateral erosion and vertical erosion and the conditions under which they occur (9m).
-Compare the conditions under which turbulent flow, laminar flow, and helicoidal flow occurs within river channels (9m).

-With reference to an example, or examples, examine how a conflict of interest may arise in management of river catchments. (16m)
-Examine the management of conflicts in river basins. (16m)
-Explain how the characteristics/flow of catchment areas can be altered by human activities. (16m)


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