Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Available Together?

Been really busy!

I got back from December Camp (which was a blast!) the other day, and then today I had the Council Voice to settle...for the whole night, I've been chiong-ing the Orientation Program, but it's really rewarding in a weird way :) There's still ACFM proposal to do, then tomorrow there's meeting with the Clan Heads, meeting with Dancers on Monday, meeting with teacher on Tuesday and then filming for the rest of the week. The week after that is OGL Camp, then Christmas Break (Break my ass), and then OGL Camp again and finally Orientation. I still have Line-in stuff to do, and I'll probably be meeting up with my fellow OGLs in my OG to design the banner, and there's still studying to be done. Oh, and there's the ACFM banner to settle with Dainan.

I am...yeah. Dead. But I'm doing it with people whom I love to work with, so I'll be fine. Dead, but fine.

Anyways, seeing as how its December, and it should typically be snowy season, I've come up, with the help of Timothy Fang, a list of Artic/Antartic Jokes. Mind you, they're abit cold.

There's no joke! (Say it fast and it sounds like There's SNOW joke!)

Did you hear about the penguin who lost all his ink? He became a pencilguin.

I went to a strip-club in the Arctic. The girls were cold, and the rating, sub-zero. The name? "For Your Ice Only"

Think I'm running out of steam? This is just the tip of the iceberg.

You know what I hate about igloos? They're dang sticky. (Because igloos=iGLUEs!)

I tried hailing a cab in Arctic the other day. It didn't come...because of bad weather.

There was this thief running from the cops in the Arctic. The cops shouted, "Freeze!". The thief replied; "Is this some kind of joke?"

Gah. I got no more jokes...I'm all dried up. I'll do desert jokes in the future :) Ciaossu!


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