Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Problem and The Solution to the Aforementioned Problem

So I watched Enchanted yesterday...and by far, it's the best movie I've seen this holidays. Game Plan was good, but not on par with this, and Bee Movie was average by all means, and don't get me started (yet again) on Beowulf because I believe I've said my piece on this piece. I give Enchanted 4 stars out of a possible 5.

But I'm not here to judge the movie. In fact, I can't even begin to judge the movie. You know what they say; you don't know me, so don't judge me, and that kind of crap. It applies in movies too, I believe. And yes, I've paid for the movie, and yes, I've sat through the whole movie...but alas, I was sitting...asleep. Yet again, Raymond Angelo sleeps through a segment of a movie for which he paid for in full.


I've had this problem for more than a year now, and to exacerbate this problem, I can't choose at which movie I fall asleep in. It doesn't matter if the movie's good, or bad, if there's a nude scene or explosions, if the combinations of factors (my body's position relative to the seat, the temperature of the air condition, amount of food in front of me) is satisfactory, I'll lull off with a snap... Ok, a silent snap.
Let's see! A list of movies I've slept through, in no particular order, nor all-encompassing. In brackets are the sections I was sleeping:

-Simpsons (Almost the whole movie)
-Pirates of the Carribean (A good 3/4)
-Miami Vice (2nd Quarter)
-Fantastic Four (At the Climax)

-Death Note (The whole Build-up to the Climax)
-Beowulf (The whole movie...I wish)

-James Bond (Middle portion)
-Superman (3rd Quarter)

-Enchanted (Part where they go to real world, to singing)


There's got to be more, but my memories of these times are...quite dream-like. I was sleeping, remember?

I've tried many ways to over-come this problem: I attempted to ask whoever's sitting next to me to nudge me awake, but after a few tries, they give up because I'm a dang heavy sleeper (by heavy, I mean figuratively, because I'm slim, by all means). There's the pigging out on food so that I won't fall asleep method, but that is financially exhausting.

So is there a Solution to the Aforementioned Problem? I don't think so. For now, I'm going to look for a Support Group, or seek treatment for the condition I face. I am in need of help, and I'm sure there are others like me. Don't be ashamed of this condition; open up, seek help.

Or read comics!


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