Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Why our lives aren't Microsoft

It's more of "Microhard". How easy it would be if we could make changes just like snap, make edits, change the theme, the perspective all with the click of a mouse. Just think what fascination and delight the ability to save "your life" will be; making a mistake can no longer be feared. And we could go back to the past, we've now lost, but were once, and still are so fond of.

And think how easy it would be to change the world. Begone poverty. Avade Kedavra George Bush. Stupefy hunger. BANISH stupidity.

But it's not that easy, and I guess, even on a smaller scale, it's still difficult. Turning our life around isn't easy, and that's what I've come to find out over the past few days. I've had to suck up the truth and I guess, face the music of reality; the sad songs it's been playing. Maybe it's about time to switch stations, but this one has a song that's kept me coming back and telling me that that's where I belong.

Speaking of radio, ACFM will be initiated once again, with me as an I/C! I now dispel all horrors of Q-box Radio and I promise to do an excellently splendidfully wonderful job in this new undertaking.

Good luck to all those taking Bio and Phys tests tomorrow, and if you're still reading this as this is published, you should really be sleeping soon. As should I, but what the heck. I work best in the dead of the night.

It's where I'm most alive.


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