Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Soar On Eagle's Wings

Finally, the worse-er part of the week is over! OVER!

Let's see the past few days, and marvel at the lack of breathing space I had; It all went by like "whoosh", damnit.

Saturday- Invest Rehearsal! From morning, all the way until late at night, because of souvenir making. Reached home way past curfew.
Sunday- Souvenir making at Joce's house. From morning, until late at night, AGAIN. Reached home way past curfew.
Monday-Investiture! I'm trying to collate the pictures; rest assured that once they're up, you'll see them here. Ended the day quite early, but I went shopping for gifts with Soe Min, Joce and PJ at Suntec. Reached way past curfew, but I wormed my way out of this one.
Tuesday-Went home early-ish, but not before dropping by Ikea to settle some souvenir stuff, this time Line-in Related. Finished my EOM at this point, at blazing fast speed, too.
Today- Banner tying in the morning was a blast! Could have used with more planning, but tying banners in the rain was TIGHT. Had Line-in dinner too, which was enjoyably fun :).

Situation: Me and Soe Min found each other on the Interchange at Chou Chu Kang, and got on the bus.

Soe Min: For all you know, we could be like, lost. In the middle of nowhere. We might even have passed the stadium.
Raymond: Good point. Uncle, where's the stadium?
Uncle: Here.
Raymond and Soe Min: *pushes their way out of the bus*.

Edited with a capital "M".


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