Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


We're playing Angels and Mortals with our senior class, and I got a message from my Angel! It seems like a girl from the handwriting, and she's very smiley, so it's all good! She posed alot of questions, and...I'll address it here :).

What CCA?
I'm in ACSian Theatre! And I'm a dancer cum actor for West Side Story, so do look out for me. If you need any Edusave forms, I have a few, so, if you need 'em...you know who to look for. I'm also a writer in Line-in, and I'll be covering "Night of Laughter". What I submitted to Line-in was a post of mine, I thought to be a classic. I'm not sure how good it is though, I've this sneaking suspicion that they admitted anybody who sent in entries -.-.

Are you Chinese or Malay?
Neither. I'm Filipino! These are Filipinos!

What Secondary School?
Though my uniform bears the word "Quest", I'm not from Quest Secondary School (it doesn't exist, lol). I'm from Queenstown Secondary School, near Redhill MRT.

And about us having fun in 1SB2...haha! Just check this out! Just FYI, we were waiting for a teacher at this time, and already had someone looking for her. We're not bad boys...yet :\. He gotta MOHEET MOHEET! Moheet's dancing to High School Musical's "We're All In This Together". Audio's bad, but I was using my phone, so meh.

And as for the lack of girls...You're right. I've been able to meet many in Theatre, from my OG, from my Lectures, and even some whose connection to me, I don't know.

I've found the girl of my life though, so yeah :).

Thanks for the message, Angel, and I'm looking forward to SJI come this or next Saturday.

See you all, and lets hold hands and move on to tomorrow.


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