Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Yours

Hay guise.

How are your yesterdays? Mine are usually full of joy and laughter, but recently, things have taken quite a depressing turn. Hope's on the horizon though; I can feel its radiating heat: it's the kind of heat which lets you know that eventually, the sun will rise for everyone.
Your my sun, and I want to feel your warmth again.

It was a pretty long day yesterday. Breakfast with the family and then Drama in the morning, OG outing in the afternoon, and buffet at night. I couldn't help but feel that these activities are just THERE to fill a void. I'm not saying I didn't have fun, because I did. But...

I don't know.

My mum woke me up at Six in the morning, on a SATURDAY. It was her birthday, so she wanted to go to church as a family. But me and my brothers couldn't wake up. I've been pooped the past god-knows-how-many days; 5 hours of sleep and it's that time between naps again! So my mum went ahead with my uncle and his girlfriend to church, and me and my brothers, when we eventually woke up, joined them for breakfast at Liang Court's McDonalds.

The rest of the family went home while I hauled-ass to school. There was drama from 10 to 4: 2 hours short of a 9-to-5. They don't pay me enough for this. In fact, they don't pay me at all. I HAVE TO PAY THEM! Seriously. Go figure lah, but I find joy in theatre, so I think it's worth it. I reached a half-hour early: after all the trouble I've caused...I don't think I'm in a position to cause anymore.

"Take out your scripts", and I realise mine's the only one not binded (or is it bound?), and I feel like a cheapo and disorganized all of a sudden. But hey, it's not my fault that the binding machine was out-of-sorts when I came! And the script's bloody thick too. To put it this way, it's as thick as...the Social Studies textbook. Whoa.

We started off with exercises...Drama exercises are WILD. Imagine a dark room, with bodies lying on the floor, TWITCHING and you'll get US: ACSian Theatre. One of the exercises involved body-to-floor action; we were spread-eagled on the floor while our Drama In-charge...Ms...god I don't know but she's awesome, "hypnotised" us. I found my arms starting to lift from the floor all of a sudden, and my legs too. I didn't panic though; we're not a cult (I think).

As the rehearsal progressed, I realised it's not as taxing as I thought it was. The warm-up exercises are darn fun, and watching the JC2s act is awesome. They're great, and I'm sure I can learn loads from them.

My character in West Side Story is Diesel; and is described as nice and slow. Yep, that's me alright.

Instead of ending at 4, it ended at 2 and I was :). Walked to the MRT with Dheraj, Raymus and Caleb and took the train to Orchard...or "TOWN". I can't stand that term somehow. It feels so over-used, that's all. And by instinct, I'm tempted to ask "Which part of TOWN?" Why can't people just say the usual stuff like...Taka, PS, Cine, Lucky and stuff like that? I think I've lost touch with my generation -.-.

I then walked to Catherine's house at Anderson Road (insert number). They told me to take the train, so I did. But the walk was damn long! It was more of a 30 minute trek; the people are cacti, and the shopping malls are like oasises (or is it oasi?) for they draw me in with pretty visages but I exit without having bought anything. Thankfully, I reached before it poured.

That last sentence is the good news, but the bad news is that there was just Narveen, Ambrish and Cat there. And when I came, it started to rain, so we couldn't play tennis. We just slacked in the lobby for damn long.

Story #1:
Helen! I love Helen! She's this cute 17-month old Chinese-Caucasian who was at the lobby, and we spent a while playing with her. She figured out how to stop music from Cat's phone, and soon, she was playing it on, and stopping it whenever the bad parts came! Clever girl! Must go AC, hor?

Story #2:
This one's been told and retold many times. Narveen was playing tennis, and he's addicted to that thing you spray on your arm to numb your muscles or something. "SMASH", the ball zoomed to the other side, but "SNAP", ouch-goes-the-Narveen. He pulled something in his arm; and in attempt to lessen the pain, he kissed it. And he kissed the thing you spray too. So it was on his lips. Trivia: Your lips are the most sensitive part of the body. And the spray is hot. Ouch. Ice-burn.

Story #3:
I'm in love with Cat's door. She's got pictures of the hottest babes plastered on 'em, and it's awesome. Imagine a door, and cover it with the glozziest, and most curvacious bodies on earth. Thankfully, Cat's a girl. If she's a guy...the door would have been covered by something else...let's not think about that. I forgot to take a pic, but I'll ask for one from Narveen or Ambrish.

It was just the four of us screwing around, but people streamed in slowly and slowly; the rain poured, but the people just dribbled in.

Jocelyn and PeiYi came but left for a party in town. Vanessa (not in the OG, but still good friend) came, and HuiYong (Malaysian) did too. Aaron was the only OGL to be there, so I hope he didn't feel left out or anything. He's from Fairfield, which is gasp, because he seemed so nice! Kidding about Fairfield lah...they're nice; most of them.

WeiXiang, Kai and Timothy came yet we were still in the lobby just talking shiat. Pam came too, and some decided to go swim anyways, but I couldn't really, because of afore-mentioned part-eh. Talked crap, and did a few stupid stuff. And it was time to go!

Medusa; let's do this again! And hopefully, everybody will make it in time, and nobody will have to go off early.

Went to Amara Hotel for dinner with the parents. Happy birthday, Mom! While taking random pictures, my Dad challenged (or bullied me). He took a picture of whatever arty picture I took. Not fair lor. His camera cost $1000++.

But hey, mine's filled with love, so xP.


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