Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


It was my father's birthday yesterday. Since we already celebrated it on Saturday (or was it Sunday?), we just did the whole sing-a-birthday song (in Tagalog even). Mundane celebration, but still, I won't easily forget about 25/7.

First thing in the morning, I stopped by 7-11 to grab some stuff. I couldn't resist drinking the milk tea they have over there. It costs a buck-fifty but the taste is heavenly. It's called Mine-Shine Milk Tea and it's imported from Japan, apparently, so the Engrish is excusable. Drank a total of three bottles today, and honestly, I'm addicted.

You know before morning assembly, when a prefect goes around turning off all the lights and shouting "Go down to the parade square"? I used to do that, but that was ages ago. This morning, I was assisting Andrel in his rounds. It's fun bullying they guy :). It's not really bullying lah, more of, tough love from an elder brother to his younger brother. Followed him around as he walked into classrooms and offed the lights, telling him to shout louder and all that stuff. How fun.

Anyway, two tests on the first two periods. A chemistry one and then an E-maths one. The chemistry was OK, nothing too difficult. I thought the E-maths one was simple, but I got careless in one of the questions, so good-bye 30/30. The two periods of Phys. Ed. was fun too. We had to run 3 rounds, and this time, I ran with ChooChi, who is currently reviving old flames (Melissa, Vanessa, ShingLee, and Sirivaja or something). We were chasing after Gaitree (Is that how you spell it?), but after she stopped running, we found Gaitree Version 2, then Gaitree Version Three (Or Gaithree) and then a White Gaitree. I didn't feel tired at all during those three rounds, because I was running with the most random guy in school.

ChooChi: The AhBeng with white and orange specs; the one who invented the terms "KarWai Bless!", "Sean!!!", "Celebration for Masturbation", "Virginity~~" with accompanying actions.

Anyway, the lessons afterwards were boring. Seriously. We did have a physics test (three test in a day ftw), but that was easy. Revisions for physics are on the right track, and I'm so happy.

We met up with the RGS girls after school. There was a teacher (What colour?) with them, so it made the meeting abit more formal that it should have been. The topic at hand: Elitism. Alot of digression, abit sian at times, but the topic wasn't really my cup of tea. I mean, "elitism"? Personally, I don't see what's wrong with it. Some people are just born that way; gifted. We've just got to accept it; that they're better, and should therefore be treated like that. I mean to say, it's only logical to let the ones with most potential to grow right? Also, Singapore isn't so rigid that becoming an "elite" is difficult; If you've got it, then there are means by which you can join this "elite" group.

So yeah, much ado about nothing. Hopefully, Friday's forum will arouse my interest to this matter.

The rehearsal after that was :/. My mike was malfunctioning, and that was so distracting. My acting was affected; badly. Shiat lah. People were crying backstage, and people were crowding around whoever was crying. If I was whoever that person who was crying was (phew, that's a mouthful), I'd prefer to be left alone, with one or two people to console me. It's not a Channel 8 drama or whatever, dig?

I took a cab back home, and got stuck in a jam. I wanted to take 33~.

Raied's going to own this competition. And maybe, Choo Jia Han.

Freebie: Marcus Tan's a Bangla, and I can run faster than him.


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