Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

God Knows//Lost My Music

So, I've been thinking, is it about time I stop doing this? Two days after the re-opening of school, and I'm feeling the pressure. It didn't set in during the holidays; notions of "time" was there. But now, I mean, there's so much stuff to do. Tests, homework...maybe I'm exxagerating, seeing as how I didn't have any of those for a month of holidays, but still man...This takes up time...and I've still got anime to watch. And the O-levels are coming in a few months time, the prelim in two-damn-fucking months.

Anyways, I'll be thinking about it. If this site remains inactive for days on end, that might be a signal that I'm gone.

Nothing's cast in stone though, so think nothing much of this.

Two days of school down. Interesting events are always abound in class 4A.

Let's see, Monday morning and copying, wah, alot of that was being done. We got our new timetables and *feints shock a day late* we've got Literature! I had finished all my homework except for the Literature one. Why not the Literature? Well, we only have Electives one day a week, do the maths. The percentage of ther being Literature is 20%, and jackpot, there we had it. Imagine my panic...well not really panic, more like, brain-going-into-think-of-an-excuse-mode. Mrs Dass forgot about it in the end though, and it'll all work out.

The SS test which no one was really prepared for was also yesterday. Ms Khoo told us there was going to be an SS test a gajillion minutes ago, and we were all anticipating it. And genious of geniouses, the people around me (YanShan, KimShan, ChooChee) all left their notes AND books at home. So it's like a single set of notes being shared between 4 people; a nightmare. I pity my notes; on top of being put through hell in my mess-of-a-"bag", it still has to be passed around 4 people yelling "Turn the page!" The test itself was OK, nothing common-sense couldn't handle.

And we all know I've got plenty of that.

Anyway, assembly was a real hoot. There was a cute animation, and the sound system screwed up. As a result, we had to sing the school song without the music. Astounding how after 3 and a half years of singing the school song, only a small portion actually remembers the lyrics. All I know are they chorus "Berani Berkhidmat, Dare to serve, dare to do to be, we dare to serve, YES! with our hearts to keep our country free". I can't make head or tails out of this, especially the keeping "our country free" part. It's just plain irrelevant isn't it?

So that's Monday.

For today, we had A-maths and Geog before recess, then during recess, HaoYang came (Wave!) and so did Jozerd (Wave!). Lots of people were looking at HaoYang...so much so that I felt like he's a VIP and I'm the lackey/bodyguard. Just chatted around for abit, and he left. It's good to see Jozerd back, too. Ringo came during recess as well. He had a national swimming competition. For his team, he's the Butterfly stroke swimmer, apparently, the second-most difficult one just behind backstroke...(I shouldn' be rambling about this since I can't swim for nuts, but what the heck). Anyway, he came back with a Gold and a Silver! At an under-18 national competition, meaning there'd be people 17+ over there, from all over Singapore too! Applause and kowtow to him, YOZ! Anyway, he ran off once again to go to a public speaking competition, so good luck to him at that. Busy, busy, he trails. For now.

We met our new english teacher today, Mrs Ong. Man, it's like being back in primary school again. She's got a nice neo-antic-baroque-accent (is that apt?), but the way she teachers is so slow! Mdm Yani (hope she gets well soon) will be gone for a month, and in her place is Mrs Ong. Hopefully, I'll get used to Mrs Ong's style. Must ensure I talk loudly, she's got hearing problems, from what I've heard, unless she heard wrongly from the doctor, but her hearing wrongly means she does have hearing problems...ahh...the mysteries of life.

We were asked to submit our The Day that Changed My Life essay to her, or we could choose to e-mail it to Mdm Yani. No sense having two teachers mark, but I beg to differ. Will be showing them both, I mean, how much time can marking essays take? Read through it, if it's any good, automatic 20+, if it's bad to average, 15-16, and if it's out of point, fail riao. Wrote a true story about the day I brought my little bro to the hospital for "appendicitis". Can be made into a movie, no shit.

Chemistry after school was tough. Practical lessons always mean scolding and fault-finding, but I guess finding faults is the first step to filling them out. I like doing experiments, especially when something explodes, but you can't play around in Mdm Teoh's class. She's the god of the Chemistry lab. She knows about everything going on in the room. Something breaks? Get ready to pay, biotches and biatches!

God knows...from the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Those are sweet guitar-playing animations. The anime itself isn't too bad. Check it out if you've got the time.

God bless!

Ryan asked me to make a Friendster account. So blah. I have one actually, a fake Friendster account, just for browsing other people's account. Let's see...even if I did get one, what will I do with it? Make friends with people who already are my friends? Lol, it's practically a popularity contest...1000 friends lol! I'm not choosy about friends...I mean, whatever comes, comes, or in this case, whoever comes, comes *ahem*, but god, 1000! Some people don't even get that many in one lifetime!


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