Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Crocodile ate the Three <3

Three days after school re-opened and things are back to normal. Some people are gone, and the effet is obvious, but let's stand up. That's what they'll want us to do.

The Prefect's Investiture is coming up, and as the Head of Administration, I've to be the organiser. I'm doing my best. Still, I've got to thank the rest of the Ex-cos, especially Glenn and Ringo for helping me out lots. They've got their own problems, yet, they're helping. Props to them. And to Ryan too, for printing out all the certificates, buying a whopping $60 of ink and making the school pay for it. Good on them.

So, It's my duty to handle some of the itsy-bitsy details, floor-plan, script, anything you can imagine, it's been tainted by my hands. One of the things I had to do was buy the paper for the Prefect's certificates. Not just any paper, but Hard Paper. I thought of going to my Popular, the one at Singapore Post, but I got wind of news that the one at Bras Basah has re-opened after months of renovation.

Imagine the shock I got when I saw it. It looked awesome.

Popular->Pop @ Central? Wah...so hip siaol. They used "@" as well. 1337. And the "pop" is in small letters, instead of "Pop"...how hip. It didn't feel like a Popular; more of...a Kino and Border vibe. Goodjob pop@Central for losing the Heartlander-bookstore-atmosphere! Too bad the locations still sucks.

They've got the books split into proper section now! And the categories seem catchy enough. "Chic Lit" is my second favourite genre by the way, second only to "Men's Romance", which is "Chic Lit" for men. Reading this two genres gives me an insight into the inner-mechanism of both sexes and widens my scope of wis-dumb, at least that's what says me.

They even have a cafe! Kino at Taka has one, Borders has one, I guess "jump into the bandwagon" and "follow the leader" was the modus operandi.

There were overall four floors of pop@Central. The first floor contained books, like duh. Normal, ordinary, reading books. On the second floor is the cafe, and on the third is the manga section, the kid's section and the Ciao Mugger's Section.

They had loads of toys; from yo-yos to yo-sticks in the kids section, or "Pop Kids". Even You-Gay-Hoe trading cards.

The Manga Section was pretty well done. Finally, a store which categorises manga into "Shonen", "Shojou" and "Kids". I remember the days when I found Love Hina beside the Pokemon Adventures manga...won't happen anymore I guess, so we won't be seeing any minors "accidentally" looking at images of hand-drawn girls without nipples.

Picked up a copy of Saiyuki volume 6 and went up. On the Fourth Floor is everthing-else. Stationaries, gadgets and gizmos, basically everything else. I had to choose 4 different kinds of papers, but they gave me this much to choose from.

I should have gotten a girl to do it. I've got no eye for aesthetics. After thirty minutes, I picked four and ended up with this.

It's $1.50 per 50 grams. Cheap? Yeah, right. The thing went a whole round. And that's not the complete set too. It costs me $24 in the end. Lay your eyes on the most expensive pile of papers you'll ever see.

Here's a never-before-seen picture. My movie review with some sort of stains on it. Rewrote it, though i'm not sure who I'm supposed to pass it up to.

Ringo, Bernard andRaynard jumps down the stairs. No animal was hurt in the making of this video.

Ryan and Glenn Lum plays with the watercooler. It's like caveman discovering fire.


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