Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Incident of the Lost Bag

Finally, the exams are over. Finished. Finally. Got Damnit.

The past two days, I sat for my Geography, Chemistry and Physics MCQ as well as my A-maths Paper 2. You know what sucks? The planning of this exam. Why are the papers of the same subject spread so far apart? Maths paper 1 was last monday, and the next paper was the following Monday. What's up with that one-week blank? For that precise reason, I had to play catch up during the weekend. I couldn't believe it, but most of the stuff I'd studied the week before was already gone. Cheesepie, there goes the weekend.

Geography Paper 1, A-maths Paper 2 and Chemistry Paper 1 were easy, simple. I fucking breezed through them. But the physics, man, the physucks. I botched the damn paper. I was damn careless throughout. And to top it all off, Ms Wee made a comment that our paper 2 was "BAD". One can only hope for the best.

At least I got 92.something for E-maths. That's out of 100. Rock on. I can be a cashier in the future! ...I can be a cashier in the future...-_-"

So yeah, after that we headed over to Suntec, me and most of the 4A boys. We played Mario Kart and Maximum Tune 2.

Here's the lo-down on me and Maximum Tune 2. The car I use is unique in that I'm the only one using it. The Toyota Supra [JZA70] 2.5GT Twin Turbo R was made in 1990, compared to the other cars in the game which are made in 1995+. It's probably the lousiest+ugliest car in the game. I even chose an ugly colour for it, Mica Green. Honestly, imagine a green shoebox running around the streets of Lim Chui Kang, and you've got my car. My choosing of this car was an accident, I wanted to choose the newer Supra, but I was a n00b back then (Yes, I am pr0 right now, even with a lousy car) and I didn't know there was more than one Supra. And thus, I ended up with this butt-ugly piece of shit: http://www.toyota-supra.info/models/1991_8/4561/

So we played for a few hours, totally forgoing lunch time. Me, Glenn and Ryan walked around the Gashaporns, and then to ToysRUs to look for yo-yos. Glenn needed a new one because his current yo-yo is not good enough to beat Hiroyuki Suzuki. We could only find Duncan Pro-yos, which are the pits of the Yo-yo hierarchy, so we didn't buy any.

Damn I was hungry, but we play-play-play and played samo (What's samo?). Managed to get second in a few races, never first, but luckily, if memory serves me right, never last either. Watched Ryan and BingYu playing Guitar Freaks, and me, being the arrogant prick that I am kind of, vowed to play the stupid game, thinking it was so easy. But, that will be after linner/dunch/the thing between dinner and lunch.

A few people went home and the remainder went to Carl's Junior at the basement of Suntec. I love Carl's Junior. Maybe it's the big (they're not that big, but still big) burgers or maybe it's the free refills, or maybe it's just the kind waitresses who offer to do refills for us. I mean, free refills are awesome enough, but now you offer to refill for us? Hell friggin' yeah, I'm sold. Anyway, we were like school-girls. We were gossiping so much. WTF somebody backstabbed somebody? WTF so-and-so like so-and-so? WTF somebody instigated so-and-so to do what-and-what to so-and-so? WTF somebody's getting free cable channels without paying StarHub? WTF there's a love triangle involving her, her and her? Was there a third-party involved? Well, we can arrange for that ;-). Chatted for around an hour and a half, and our table was full of shit (All hail literature).

Headed back to the arcade to play a bit more. Played Guitar Freaks 5 with ryan while the rest played Maximum Tune. Remember earlier how I was saying it's so simple and being an arrogant prick? I'll let my score speak for me. Ryan got 20000+ and I got 1000+. I hit 5 out of 250+ notes. WTF? Like in every instrumental simulation, you get three songs, so I averaged 5 hits, so that's about 15 out of 750. Did I suck so much? Nope, apparently not, because I was just being stupid. Guitar Freak works like this. There are three buttons and a strumming thingamajig. You've got to hold the three buttons and THEN strum. What I was doing was just pressing the three buttons and ignoring the strumming thingamajig. No wonder there were two girls laughing at me play, and I don't blame them because I looked like a right old dumbass. After our first round, and a whole lot of WTFs from Ryan, he finally told me how it's done and I didn't get 5 anymore. Yay, me.

We played a few more rounds, and sometime between our second and third round, Yan Shan came to us and said that Ringo lost his bag. The two of us just nodded and continued playing. Then Andrian came and said "Do you know Ringo lost his bag?" and we replied "We know" then continued strumming. Yan Shan came again, said the same thing and I told him to look at Carl's Junior and continued to play. I feel so bad man. I was so absorbed by the game that I didn't feel any concern at first. I thought he just left it somewhere, but apparently, it was stolen by some guy in a red t-shirt and jeans, with a beard, who looks like Zul and is about the height of Ching Yong (Glenn Lum's description) while they were playing Maximum Tune. The guy even talked to Glenn Lum for abit, before rushing off with the bag. They didn't see the guy take the bag, but he's the only one who could have done it, seeing how he was standing so close to the bag, and he disappeared just before they realised the bag's disappearance. Ringo's phone, wallet, absolute everything was inside his bag, and some fucker stole it. Ringo made a report at the infomation counter, then he, Glenn Lum, Yan Shan and Ching Yong (as they were there playing Maximum Tune and had seen the suspect) headed down to Beach Road Police Post to file a report. Me, Ryan, Andrian and TahNern stayed behind and did our own thang.
Thinking that the guy snatched the wallet, handphone+anything the fucker thinks is valuable and then disposed of the bag, we made an attempt to look for the bag, combing the a good portion of Suntec, looking in every cubicle+trash cans. Futile, all our efforts were.

Glenn Lum rode inside a police car! Go, him! He was escorted to Suntec by the policemen in a real police car. They even had the siren on. Lol. He so should have taken pictures. I'll caption it under "What criminals see before getting their ass totally ravaged in prison". He was there to view the CCTV and identify the suspect since he was the most familiar with him (they even had a conversation), but management didn't allow and he's gotta return tomorrow. Everybody converged at Suntec, and from there, we moved on and split.

Pity Ringo man. He lost his whole bag and inside were like 4 shirts, his wallet, his handphone and books (fuck that). The wallet luckily contained only a few dollars, but the EZ-Link was lost. It can always be replaced, I guess. That handphone, well, you were going to et a new one anyway, right? And the bag's so old, it's about time you replaced it.

Let's all hope that justice be served.


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