Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

If I were a black guy, I would like to look like you.

Title was said by Ivan yesterday. That's hands-down the best compliment i've ever gotten from a guy. Thanks Ivan! However, i'm not black. Chocolate brown. Hersheys Milk Chocolate. I'm gonna advertise for Hersheys...some day.

School today was cool. Morning roll-call was so weird. See right, Faris and Wei Liang made an announcement. They all got big balls, must concede to that. They were on stage, yet could joke so freely. Funny man, Faris was like "OK? OK?", half-shouting at the mike, and Wei Liang said "SONG" to the mike at the end. That's epic. Then when Choy Peng went up, instead of letting the schools go back to class, "We found out who won the cookies for today". WTF? My school's got this crazy scheme where they hold a lucky draw every morning. A student from each level will be drawn, and they get a cookie. WTF?

Had to run 2.4 km for PE. Hiong arh. Fucking stomach kept giving me trouble, so I couldn't run as fast I could. Huffing, puffing, spitting...the joys of a 2.4 km run. Running, according to Mr Loh, requires PHD. Perseverance, humility, determination. Fully agree with this shit.

My comprehension skills are not up to standard. Seriously. My latest comprehension homework got...fail lah. Cheesepie. Maybe it's because I didn't take it very seriously or maybe it's because I just suck. Fuck lah. Because I didn't take it seriously, I've no way of judging my actual standard. Beating myself up over this fact. Next comprehension, my target is 30. I promise...to my soul.

School ended early because of the Kranji Fieldtrip. Didn't go for it though. Had debate at SCGS. It seriously felt damn weird lah, 4 guys (me, Jeremy, Ringo, Raied) "invading" a girl's school. The difference between a girl's school and a co-ed was apparent. See right, at co-eds, girls only wore dark coloured bras. While at girl's school, girls wear bright coloured bras like orange or even no bra at all. You've got to see it to believe it.

Our spar was very benificial. Seriously. I fucked up a bit. Have to watch out for my style and my rebuttals of their points. I heard one of their point wrongly, and ended up rebutting it wrongly. Fuck lah. I was satisfied with my reply speech, even though I can still improve on eye-contact with the audience. Went home in 67 and had to pass by Serangoon. Woohoo...play guitar~~

Plan for tonight: finish reading prep, do geog homeworks, practice debate and research on idioms.


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