Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Give Sympathy to the King

I'm having a writer's block. I fucked up an english composition, and my confidence in my writing have been well and truly shattered. Uggh...weeks of ego-surfing and I find myself back in solid ground once more.

My grandparents finally went back to the Philippines this morning. It was sad. But that's how life is. It's full of meetings and then an unavoidable parting of ways. Thus, the vicious cycle. It means less nagging, yeah, but I like it when my grandparents nag at me to go to church. It shows that they care, and being cared for is something we all should be thankful for. Anyway, I have no idea when I'll be seeing them again, as I don't go back to the Pinas all that often, but someday, we'll meet again.

Sundays are always days of inactivity for me. It's like a day reserved for me to catch up to the world and stuff. I spend it reading, doing homework, watching I've downloaded over the week through my torrents. Fun lah. So, ya, if my posts during Sundays don't give as much juice, that's the reason. I hate going out on Sundays. Especially since the next day is a Monday, and going home late before a school day is shit; like tigthening a noose around your own neck.

Everyday, you learn something. On the 16 th of March, a day after my 16th birthday I posted 16 of my learnings. And, well, there's just so much to learn, so my list of learnings will contiune to grow. I'll do one per day, because everyday, there's a lesson learnt.

Learning #17: When someone tells you their bored, the best reply is to tell them to go to www.raymond-angelo.blogspot.com. Seriously.


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