Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

LIke dust, still i rise?

Good evening everyone. My name is Raymond Angelo, and this is my blog.*smiles and waves* I'm 15 going to 16, male, tall (i wish), dark (hell yeah) and handsome (debateble) and still single.


I've been meaning to start blogging once again for quite a while...but somehow, i always find an excuse to procastinate. There's alot of excuses man, No time lah, can't think of a good name lah, and this and that. But, i've got time to blow now, and i've finally thought of a good name...so here it is: raymond-angelo.blogspot.com.

I got off school early today, because of flu/fever/some-other-sneeze-related-disease. I set up a personal best today, using 7+ packets of tissue in 4 periods. I felt/feel horrible. *groan grabs tissue and sneezes*. I hate the way tissue paper bits stick to your mouth/nose. They have a bad habit of doing it at the worst times. Like, imagine talking to a girl, and then she kindly informs you that there's tissue on your lips. EmbarASSing with a capital ASS, as in you've made a major ASS out of yourself.

Anyway, i went to the office during recess and got a Early Departure Form. Under the column "Reason", the kind office clerk put student "claimed to have flu/fever". Jeez. They make me sound like a freaking juvenile man. All i said was " I've been sneezing like crazy all morning. I'm not feeling well. I think it's flu." See the way that statement has been twisted and taken out of context? This is probably how the Iraq war started.

Bush: Give me my weekly progress report on Iraq, soldier. .

Soldier: Iraq has been squeaky clean lately. Although there has been an increase in bean consumption in certain parts.

Bush's "thought-process": Beans=Farting=deadly gas=weapons of mass destruction=OMGWTFHLS!

Bush: Well, i always knew those Iraqis were hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction. Screw them bitches, soldier! Today, bombing Iraq. Tomorrow, BLOWING UP THE LEVEES IN NEW ORLEANS!

Ahh...yup, my cold(not a flu/fever like i claimed) has made me light-headed. I'll be going off now. There's a chemistry test to study for, and a speech to get ready for, and a war to fight in my heart.


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